About Pastor Alex

Hello. I am Alex Leppard. I am a servant of Jesus Christ, a born again believer. I believe the good news of the gospel; Jesus, God the Son came in human flesh.  He lived a perfect, sinless life and went to the cross willingly to pay the price for my sin. His blood was shed so I could be made right with God. Jesus was buried in the tomb and He bodily rose from the grave on the third day, and He will return! I grew up in a Southern Baptist church and believed on Jesus as my Savior when I was 11 years old. I am a husband to one wife, father to four grown sons and grandfather to six granddaughters. I love God's word. I have been teaching the Bible for 28+ years. I have taught the preschoolers, the elementary age, the youth, adults, men's bible study and even the senior adults in Sunday School. I am comfortable teaching all ages. In 2020, God laid it on my heart that I needed to be preaching the Word. In October 2021 I was ordained to preach. I was preaching at some small Baptist churches when the pastors needed me to fill in. I was an Associate Pastor at Northwest Baptist Church in 2023.  I love the Lord, I love His Word and I want proclaim the gospel message and teach disciples.  

God has opened the door for me to Pastor at a church in Greenville, SC. On April 14, 2024 I was voted in as the Pastor of Providence Baptist Church. All praise and honor to the LORD for opening this door. Please pray for me and the local body of believers that are called Providence Baptist Church.  May we continue grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.                         

Sincerely, Brother Alex Leppard 

Pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Greenville, SC
